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OZZIE 防潑水無線藍芽喇叭









名稱 : 戶外藍牙喇叭

型號.: OZ-X_5


顏色︰ 黑色、 藍色、 紅色、 橙色、 灰色(以貨到為主)

產品尺寸︰ D115 * H39mm

充電 : DC5V 600mA銀行貸款年利率

AUX IN : 3.5mm 音源。

藍牙輸入︰ 3.0 + EDR 相容

充電︰ DC5V 600mA

電池容量︰ 3.7 v / 800mAh

輸出功率︰ 3W

喇叭阻抗︰ 4Ω

喇叭規格︰ 直徑45mm 4Ω3W

失真度 : ≤ 1%

頻率 : 100 Hz-20 KHz 以上

信噪比 : ≥ 95dB

內建記憶卡插槽: 支援MicroSD(TF)卡





商品訊息簡述: OZZIE 防潑水無線藍芽喇叭

土地銀行勞工貸款率利 2017申請日期

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(中央社柏林25日綜合外電報導)國際透明組織(Transparency International)今天公布2016年貪腐印象指數(Corruption Perceptions Index),以下是前10名與倒數10名的排行榜,還有排名中間的10個主要經濟體。 法新社報導,國際透明組織使用世界銀行(WorldBank)、非洲發展銀行(African Development Bank)與瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)等機構的資料,彙整評比公部門貪腐程度的指數,最低為0分,代表最貪腐,最高100分,表示十分清廉。 前10名: 1. 紐西蘭與丹麥均為90分3. 芬蘭89分4. 瑞典88分5. 瑞士86分6. 挪威85分7. 新加坡84分8. 荷蘭83分9. 加拿大82分10. 德國、盧森堡與英國各81分 排名中間的10國 18. 美國74分20. 日本72分23. 法國69分57. 匈牙利與羅馬尼亞各48分75. 土耳其41分79. 巴西、中國大陸與印度各40分131. 俄羅斯29分 倒數10名 166. 委內瑞拉與伊拉克各17分169. 阿富汗15分170. 利比亞、葉門與蘇丹各14分173. 敘利亞13分174. 北韓12分175. 南蘇丹11分176. 索馬利亞10分(譯者:中央社張曉雯)1060125



WARM WELCOME? Vice President Chen Chien-jen said that protesters should avoid the cold by sending representatives to Sunday’s meeting to discuss issuesBy Stacy Hsu / Staff reporterVice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) yesterday unveiled details of the government’s draft pension reform plan, urging opponents to send representatives to a national affairs conference scheduled for Sunday.Speaking at an afternoon news conference at the Presidential Office, Chen said the draft was drawn up after 20 committee meetings, four regional forums and efforts to solicit opinions from all sectors of society.Chen said the draft plan aims to ensure that the nation’s various pension funds can be sustained for at least another generation, delaying estimations for bankruptcy of the Labor Insurance Fund by nine years to 2036, the public-school teachers’ pension fund by 12 years to 2043 and the Public Service Pension Fund by 14 years to 2044.“Our goal is to make sure that pension funds remain accessible generation after generation and be able to support insured people into their old age,” Chen said.Laying out several key elements of the proposed reforms, Chen said the controversy-dogged 18 percent preferential savings rate for retired public-sector employees taking monthly retirement payments would be lowered to 0 percent in three stages over six years.The saving rate is to be reduced every two years, falling to 9 percent, 6 percent and then 3 percent. It is to be 0 percent from the seventh year on.For those who take their pension as a lump sum, there are two proposed systems: Either the 9-6-3-0 process to reduce the interest rate as with monthly payments, or a separate plan of 12 percent for the first two years, 10 percent in years three and four, 8 percent in years five and six and 6 percent from year seven on.However, public servants whose monthly pension is below a specified floor — to be either NT$25,000 or NT$32,160 (US$791 or US$1,017) — are to retain the 18 percent preferential rate.Chen said that the government intends to cut the income replacement rate for public servants to “75 percent of two times a civil servant’s basic salary” and lower the rate by 1 percentage point each year until it is 60 percent of two times the basic salary.Under current pension plans, government employees receive pensions of up to 95 percent of their pre-retirement income, which is straining national coffers.To make pension funds more sustainable, the average used to determine payments is to be based on a longer timeframe. The proposal is for the average insured salary of the final 15 years of employment to be used to determine pensions, with that number to be reached by adding 12 months to the timeframe each year until the 15-year target is met.Also, the retirement age is to be increased to 65, except for professions of a special nature or those that involve dangerous activities, while the ceiling for labor insurance premiums paid by public servants, public-school teachers and private-sector workers is to be raised stepwise to 18 percent.Other highlights of the proposal include a scheme to allow employees to keep their work years when they switch jobs, including moves between the private sector and the public sector.“The money that is to be saved by lowering the income replacement rate for public servants and the cancelation of the 18 percent preferential rate will be put into the [Public Service Pension] Fund,” Chen said, adding that starting next year the government is to inject NT$20 billion into the Labor Insurance Fund annually.Minister Without Portfolio Lin Wan-i (林萬億), who is deputy convener and executive director of the committee, said that as the nation has 13 different pension funds, the government plans two stages to reform such a complicated system.“We welcome various opinions at Sunday’s conference. They will be factored into the next stage,” Lin said.Asked to comment on a large-scale demonstration in front of the Presidential Office Building planned for Sunday by civil servants, Chen said that given falling temperatures, it would be better for opponents of the plans to send representatives to the conference, where their voices would be better heard.Additional reporting by CNA新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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